Debit Card
Visa Debit Card
Get free, easy access to your Taylor Bank account with a Visa Debit Card. Accepted worldwide, it’s faster than checks, safer than carrying cash and more convenient.
Your Visa Debit Card works like a check so you can end the hassle of writing checks and buying stamps.
- Pay all your bills
- Make purchases at the checkout, online or in the store
- Withdraw funds at the ATM
Instant Issue Debit Cards
Now there is no more waiting to receive a new or replacement card in the mail. Stop by any of our branches to receive a new ready-to-use Debit Card for Business, Personal or Health Savings Accounts in just minutes.
Plus, enjoy built-in security with Taylor Bank’s state of the art Fraud Monitoring and Chip Technology (EMV).
You can also suspend your card temporarily or report it lost/stolen through our mobile app.
To apply for a Taylor Bank Visa Debit Card please click on the application below. This may be filled out online but must be printed and submitted to Taylor Bank at any branch location or mailed to 24 N. Main St. Berlin, MD 21811.